Grief & Loss

Grief is the natural response that follows loss. It is an emotionally rooted set of behaviors that are characterized by deep agony and sentimental pain associated with the death or separation of a loved one. Grief presents a variety of emotions ranging from anger and shock to guilt and unbearable sadness.

What are its signs?

While grief is often interchanged with depression, there is more to grieving than the set of symptoms that appear in depressive disorders, but certain similarities among the conditions make them hard to tell apart. Below are some symptoms that can help identify the signs of grief:

  • A general denial regarding the loss, this could either manifest in avoidance to address it or actions that imply that the loss is not considered a reality.

  • Feelings of excessive guilt regarding the person lost; this may manifest as self-blame.

  • Thoughts of self-harm that may or may not have been acted upon.

  • Difficulty in retaining everyday functioning in most contexts for an extended period of time.

  • Presence of depressive symptoms accompanied by the above-mentioned pointers.

How can we help?

Grief is an agonizing state to be in, particularly because of the inevitable acceptance needed regarding the loss that has been sustained. Seeking out the help of a mental health professional can help make this process more sustained, if not easier. It is essential that grief is addressed in the right way, and not left unchecked, as it can interfere with leading a healthy life.

Treatment modalities:

Grief is a very personal experience, and we acknowledge that. At Bloom Practice, through our grief therapy approach, we seek to help a grieving client navigate through the complexities of their bereavement. Allowing them uninterrupted expression and the room to make sense of the loss they have sustained so they can have a healthy return to their daily life. Reach out to us for further information on grief therapy.

Healthier Ways to Cope with Grief Is Possible at Bloom Practice

If you would like to learn more about therapy to manage and cope with your grief at Bloom Practice or want to schedule an appointment with one of our caring, dedicated therapists, call 845.861.0050. We offer a free 15-minute consultation.   

We are currently accepting new clients. We offer online therapy via phone or video sessions on a secure, HIPAA compliant platform. Our team of expert therapists at Bloom Practice are here to help!