Individual Therapy

Individual therapy encompasses the alliance that one builds with a psychotherapist with the purpose of self-betterment and progress. Individual needs are catered to in devising a plan through the combined effort of the client and the therapist.

During the individual sessions, an array of goals can be integrated based on what skills and abilities the client is partial to attaining. Whether these goals are those of better communication, healthier coping strategies, opting for better choices, or even experiencing more fulfillment, developing esteem, and carving a feasible path towards personal and professional visions.

Open and unhindered communication with one’s therapist helps check into emotions, thoughts, and belief systems that might not have been in the client’s awareness, thus simultaneously tapping into self-discovery alongside more serving communication styles. 

Through individual therapy, the prospect of self-awareness also helps in the recognition and replacement of unhealthy thought and behavior patterns that might be subtly contributing to particular problems that the client is experiencing. 

In individual therapy, nothing is off the table; all facets of the client's life are addressed and unraveled with the purpose of gaining insight and identifying possible obstructions in progress and betterment. More insight within self, for the client, will eventually translate to better relationships, healthier affiliations, and generally more contentment in life. 

Therapy also consolidates more motivation and a stronger drive towards the achievement of self-defined life goals. Often, past experiences or traumas are interfering a person’s ability to move forward and yield their complete potential. Therapeutic interventions can help pinpoint and subsequently eliminate these roadblocks, smoothing the pathway to undeterred goal attainment.

At Bloom Practice, our therapists operate with the approach of providing clients with a secure and open environment to exhibit their emotions and thoughts without any deduction or judgment. The sole goal of individual therapy is aligning a client's visions with their reality alongside the prospect of self-improvement.

A Healthier Life Is Possible at Bloom Practice

If you would like to learn more about individual therapy at Bloom Practice or want to schedule an appointment with one of our caring, dedicated therapists, call 845.861.0050. We offer a free 15-minute consultation.   

We are currently accepting new clients. We offer online therapy via phone or video sessions on a secure, HIPAA compliant platform. Our team of expert therapists at Bloom Practice are here to help!