Men’s Issues

Men’s issues involve all experiences and implications that might exclusively target the mental health and wellbeing of men. The appalling part, where men’s psychological issues are concerned, is that males rarely seek therapy. Mental ailments are equally prevalent in men as they are in women, with depression, anxiety, and stress being highest in frequency.

Signs you might benefit from therapy:

While mental illness is a reality regardless of gender, the sort of factors that create unwellness in males, can be very particular. Issues around the social concept of masculinity, aggression, substance abuse, and fatherhood are some contributing factors to men's psychological challenges. Below are certain indications that you might benefit from therapy:

  • You’re struggling with anger management, which may manifest in the form of extreme aggression, abuse, violence, whether physical or verbal.

  • You’re battling with low self-esteem that might be stemming from societal expectations or feelings of not measuring up.

  • You’re struggling with fatherhood.

  • You’re deeply uncomfortable in the gender roles that have been assigned to you.

How can we help?

Men’s issues are especially aggravated with the general expectations associated with males, which makes seeking out mental help appear unmasculine. Seeking out the help of a mental health professional can ease the weight of guilt that comes with not conforming with assigned roles and characteristics, and help individuals move beyond their struggles and challenges to a healthier, well balanced lifestyle.

Therapeutic modalities:

Men's issues are addressed through many possible therapeutic options depending on the clients specific concerns. Over at Bloom Practice, our psychotherapists aid clients in their struggles by providing therapeutic interventions that are specifically tailored for men and their needs. Reach out to us for further information on sessions and therapy options. Together, we'll move beyond the confines of gender and societally defined perceptions.

A Healthier Life Is Possible at Bloom Practice

If you would like to learn more about individual therapy for men’s issues at Bloom Practice or want to schedule an appointment with one of our caring, dedicated therapists, call 845.861.0050. We offer a free 15-minute consultation.   

We are currently accepting new clients. We offer online therapy via phone or video sessions on a secure, HIPAA compliant platform. Our team of expert therapists at Bloom Practice are here to help!