Sex Therapy

Sex is an intimate investment of one’s mind and body, that encompasses more than the physical act. That understood, retaining a healthy sex life with your partner, or simply navigating the complexities of sex can be a mentally and emotionally taxing process. Conflicts can very well arise in sexual preferences, ability to perform sexually, and keeping things from falling into a rut.

Signs you might need to see a sex therapist:

  • You’re not satisfied with the quality, style, and frequency of your sex life.

  • You’re struggling with experiencing sexual pleasure or experiencing changes in your sex drive that are hurtful to your relationship.

  • You or your partner are experiencing performance-related problems.

  • Your sex life has become repetitive and mundane, which is interfering with the satisfaction of your relationship.

  • You’re concerns about your sexual preferences and orientations that you’re unable to share with your partner.

How can we help?

Sex-related issues, if unaddressed, can aggravate to hurt an entire relationship, or the prospect of satisfaction in a marriage. Calling upon the expertise of a mental health practitioner can help identify problematic factors that are interfering with the quality and frequency of sex. It is important to discuss and address the frustration and discomfort that builds up with sexual unfulfillment openly in addition to its causes.

Therapeutic modalities:

Therapeutic approaches to help improve of one’s sex life are different for each person and couple. Setting personal and relationship sex goals and working towards fulfilling them is a great way to ensure long-term sexual satisfaction.

Over at Bloom Practice, we’re open to assisting individuals and couples as they recognize and navigate through issues that might be keeping them from experiencing fulfilling sexual relationships. Our therapeutic modalities to address sex-related trauma are also deeply beneficial for individuals to escape the confines of their past and enjoy a fulfilling sex life. Reach out to us for further information on sex therapy and session details.

A Healthier Sex Life is Possible at Bloom Practice

If you would like to learn more about sex therapy at Bloom Practice or want to schedule an appointment with one of our caring, dedicated therapists, call 845.861.0050. We offer a free 15-minute consultation.   

We are currently accepting new clients. We offer online therapy via phone or video sessions on a secure, HIPAA compliant platform. Our team of expert therapists at Bloom Practice are here to help!